We're almost two-thirds of the way through the year, how are those New Year's resolutions coming along? 🙃 You might be wondering why I woke up this morning and chose violence 😅 That is not my intention! I don't care about resolutions, especially the "New Year, New Me," kind. Apparently, a quarter of people give them up after a week and half by the end of January, why is that? 🤔 It can feel SO GOOD to set a resolution or a #goal. You decide that you're going to finally run a marathon, learn French, stop spending so much money, use your phone less, or start that business you've been thinking about forever. AWESOME. You can imagine vividly who you're going to be when you accomplish it, what it will feel like to be that ideal self, and how impactful it will be on your life. 😇 🕺 Big dopamine rush. It almost feels like you've already accomplished it! Picturing your ideal self is a very important part of goal setting, and research suggests it's fundamental for you to sustain motivation. But although it's necessary, it's not sufficient. You need to combine your vision of our ideal self with a plan for achieving that vision. A plan that starts today, right now. That plan also must include considering potential obstacles and even examining worst case scenarios, which can not only help us prepare for them but also help us really understand how committed we are to this vision. That's why part of coaching is asking "What's the first step?" or "What's a step you can take today to move you closer to this goal?" Also, ❓When will you take this step? ❓Who can support you? ❓What could potentially stand in your way? You don't have to wait for January, what's a goal you can set today? What's the first step? - 👋 I'm Gill, a certified #coach who works with changemakers and (un)professionals✊ Enjoyed this? Repost ♻️ if you find it useful Follow me, hit the 🔔 on my profile #CoachingForSocialChange
